Thursday, March 26, 2009

Merry Esparza

MO: citing affiliation with Style1Media


  1. Merry is a graphic designer who formed and led the largest group of freeloading locusts in the city in the 00s. Some 50 strong, mainly in their 40s and 50s, they regularly rampaged through every open bar (especially with food) at benefits, art and store openings they could find, leaving crumbs and dirty glasses in their wake. But they gave no donations at the fundraisers, never bought a thing at any store or gallery--they thought spending money at these events was laughable. They were later followed by a younger and larger crowd--20-30 somethings. She made a list that she emailed every week. Wherever she went, there were always at least 10-20 from her group there. It was really something to see the employees at Marlborough Gallery cringe when she walked through the door. She and her group subsequently set up camp where wine was being served. They stayed only until it was gone and then left, without even pretending to look at the art. It is just about right that she would start a company that allows her to do this kind of thing with impunity. She has interest only in her own agenda--free food and alcohol.

  2. Other people associated with Merry Esparza’s business, are Russell Nelson, Margaret Casagrande, Alan Horowitz, John Kelly, and David Glackin and his odd-looking, grinning wife, Alex(andra) Reiher.

    I’ve heard from reliable sources that David Glackin is Merry Esparza’s main source of leads for the events she tries to get into. He is the source for an unknown but large number of people. Although David and Alex will sometimes actually cough up the price of admission, they aren’t always invited to the parties they go to either. David seems to like celebrity events more and Alex seems to want to be known as a socialite. They have both been known to try to pass themselves off as patrons of the arts but they have a very small budget. David is a tennis teacher and Alex is a secretary. David claims to have a “studio”. According to Manta, “David Glackin Studio in New York, NY is a private company categorized under Home Photographer. Our records show it was established in 1999 and incorporated in New York.” Yet a name search on the New York Department of State shows no such name ever incorporated. By law, they must have all names of all corporations, active and inactive, so that companies may conduct an accurate name search for their new corporations. On other websites, he has claimed his business’ name is DVG Studios. That name is not listed either. In a quick search, there was no website and no images of his work online. Hmmmm. If you have any celebrities, well-known artists or respected socialites attending your event, one or both of them will probably be sniffing at your door. It seems a little sad that elderly, garrulous paparazzi, Rose Hartman is now relying on them to tell her where to go these days too. But she is trying to crash the art world and has aligned herself with them. Admit them with caution—you don’t know who is with or behind them! They may have told many other people you might not want at your event and they will be at your door, too.

  3. Just feedback, you do not have to take it :-)
    Your choice of font kills my eyes, I couldn't finish reading your post.
    50 Shades Movie

  4. David Glackin is a letch and moocher. He claims that he is an art collector. He's full of shit and trying to take advantage of young women while he sucks down booze. Anyone who is with him are poseurs. If i ever seen him at one of my parties I will call the police for trespassing.
